KILMORE, co. WEXFORD. — The schooner Antelope of Wexford stranded, during thick but moderate weather on the 6th May, about half a mile east of Bastardstown. Information of the casualty was received from the Coastguard at 3 A.M., and the crew...
Category: Services
THE annual meeting was held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on the 23rd of March, 1954, with Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., K.B.E., chairman of the Committee of Management, in the chair.
H.R.H. the Princess Royal pre- sented...
Category: Meetings
The Revue Maritime el Coloniale recently published a letter on the deviations to which the needle is liable in consequence of the substitution of iron for wood in ships.
One of the latest contrivances for diminishing this...
Category: Articles
THIS gentleman, who had been for nearly twenty years the much-respected Chairman of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, died at Bournemouth on the 18th Nov., after a lingering illness, extending over two years. He was in the 74th year of Ms...
Category: Obituaries
THE following verses, an appeal to yachtsmen for the Life-boat Service, appeared in the Bulletin of the Cruis- ing Association for October of last year under the heading "Royal National Life-boat Institution." Beneath them was...
Category: Poetry
ON the 20th of April last a grievous disaster occurred on the Goodwin Sands, which resulted in the loss of a Norwegian brig, The Auguste Herman Francke, with six hands out of a crew of seven all told.
All day on the 20th a...
Category: Articles
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Lives saved.
. 14 4 2 •2 3 18 5 4 3 15 1 1920.
Jan. 2.
,, 3.
,, ...
Category: Services
THE annual meeting was held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on the 14th of March, 1956, with Lord Howe, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Management, in the chair.
H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent, Presi- dent of the...
Category: Meetings
Stilgoeing strong On 5 March Riegate and Redhill branch and guild held an Anniversary Dinner at Reigate Manor Hotel.
Nearly 120 people attended the event and guest of honour was entertainer and High Sheriff of Surrey,...
Category: Articles