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ACC TEL ECOM Otherwise join ACC Telecom and save up to 28% on your phone calls, compared to BT basic rates.
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The local motor fishing boat Guillemot put to sea at seven in the morning.
She did not return, and at 7.15 in the evening flares were seen in the direction of Blackrock...
At five in the morning the local motor fishing vessels Pilot Me and Gem put to sea in bad weather. During the morning the weather worsened and at one o’clock the coastguard reported that a...
Morecambe | 4 September
When an elderly couple got trapped up to their waists in mud -with the tide coming in- Morecambe RNLI's hovercraft crew flew to the...
Category: Articles
NOVEMBER 13TH. - ILFRACOMBE, DEVON. At about 7 P.M. a local fisherman reported to the pier watchman that R.A.F. rescue boat No. 244, with a crew of four, had fouled the nets of a fishing boat off Lee Bay.
Information was...
THE following coxswains and members of life-boat crews were awarded certificates of service on their retirement and in addition those entitled to them, by the Institution's regulations, were awarded an annuity or a retirement allowance...
Category: Awards
ALDEBURGH and HARWICH.—In response to a message received by telephone, the Life-boat Aldeburgh was launched at 5.30 A.M. in a whole gale from N.E. and a terrific sea, with very heavy rain and snow squalls, and saved the crew of three men...
On the night of the 16th February, the Greek brig San Spiridione, of Galaxide, coal laden, was driven ashore in Tramore Bay, in a south gale. As she made no signals of distress, her dangerous position ^was not seen from the shore until...
SUNDERLAND, NORTH DOCK.—While a strong N.N.E. gale was blowing, accompanied by a very rough sea and torrents of sleet and rain, on the 26th October, the ketch Emma Walker, of Sunderland, laden with coal for Wick, attempted to enter the...