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22808 search results for 'Brede Class 12'
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The Royal Tay Yacht Club Dundee

Date: Winter 1988

Volume: 50

Issue: 503

The Roval Tav Yacht Club Dundee wax the venue for the Bell's Charily Bottle smash in aid of the RNLI. The bottle, held bv David Bruce of Bell's Scotch Whisky, was smashed open bv Hugh Scott (second coxswain), watched by Stuart... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Lifeboat Classified

Date: Winter 1985

Volume: 49

Issue: 491

ADVERTISE on these pages and reach 120,000 R.N.L.I. members and their family and friends. The cost is £11 a column centimetre or £10 if four or more insertions are booked.

Contact: Karen Heath, Jackson-Rudd &...

Category: Advertisement


Date: November 1889

Volume: 14

Issue: 154

BERWICK-ON-TWEED.—On the 20th March, during a strong gale from "the E.N.E. and a heavy sea, the schooner Dekar, of Hull, was observed coming from the North close to the rocks, and evidently unable to clear the land. The Life-boat John...

Feature: Heart of the Matter

Date: Spring 2005

Volume: 60

Issue: 572

There was a buzz in the Barbican on 19 May 2005 as RNLI Governors, crew, fundraisers and other supporters gathered for a day of reflection and celebration RNLI core supporters came from all corners of the UK and the Republic of Ireland to...

Category: Articles

S.S. Royal Crown (1)

Date: 1940

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1940

JANUARY 30TH. - LOWESTOFT, AND SOUTHWOLD, SUFFOLK. At 7.15 P.M. a message was received at Lowestoft from the coastguard that a boat belonging to the S.S. Royal Crown, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, had come ashore eight miles south of Lowestoft, and...

Barnhill (1)

Date: 1940

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1940

BRONZE MEDAL SERVICE AT EASTBOURNE MARCH 20TH. - EASTBOURNE, HASTINGS, AND NEWHAVEN, SUSSEX. During the night the London steamer Barnhill, of 5,430 tons, was in the English Channel on her way from Nova Scotia to London. Two of the...

Continued from Page 175

Date: Spring 1996

Volume: 54

Issue: 536

Big problems with little ships I was fascinated to read about the 34 calls to which the Poole lifeboat responded on August Bank Holiday last year. It certainly sounds like the record for one station.

Another interesting set...

Category: Correspondence

Saving Life from Shipwreck In Denmark

Date: February 1884

Volume: 12

Issue: 131

THE Danish Life-saving service is con- centrated in one department under the Government, and not as in this country, divided between the Government and the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, a charitable society incorporated by Royal...

Category: Articles

Sibiria (1)

Date: February 1917

Volume: 23

Issue: 262

A Magnificent Group of Services.

19th~21st November, 1916.

SELDOM, if ever, has there been concentrated within three days of Life-boat work a more splendid series of achievements than those which are...


Date: September 1952

Volume: 33

Issue: 362

Ramsgate, Kent. — At C.25 in the evening of the 23rd of April, 1952, the shore attendant on the East Pier reported a ship aground near the Quern Buoy on the Brake Sands, and at 6.39 the life-boat Prudential left her moorings in a smooth sea....