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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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Lines on a Gallant Rescue By a Shore-Boat

Date: February 1894

Volume: 15

Issue: 171

HALF a league, half a league, Half a league seaward, In a wild storm of death Sail'd the five heroes.

Onward, the Quay Brigade! Straight for the wreck they made: In a wild storm of Death Sail'd the five...

Category: Poetry

Taken from the Newhaven Lifeboat During Her Service to the French Trawler La Frangoise These Photographs Show the Severity of the Seas Faced By Coxswain Len Patten

Date: Spring 1988

Volume: 50

Issue: 504

Taken From The Newhaven Lifeboat During Her Service To The French Trawler La Frangoise These Photographs Show The Severity of the Seas Faced By Coxswain Len Patten. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Thoughts on the Art of Street Collecting By Clive Porter Second Coxswain Teesmouth Life-Boat

Date: September 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 425

THERE is an art in most things, and carrying a collecting tin for the R.N.L.I.

can be of great interest. Nothing could be more absorbing than spending a day in the street persuading the public that our cause is worth...

Category: Articles

The Life-Boat Disasters at Southport and St. Anne's

Date: February 1887

Volume: 13

Issue: 143

SINCE the publication of the last number of the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL, terrible disas- ters have befallen the crews of the Life- boats at Southport and St. Anne's, on the coast of Lancashire, the full details of which are given in the...

Category: Articles

The Medal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck

Date: May 1884

Volume: 12

Issue: 132


THE beautiful obverse of this medal, executed by L. C. WYON, Esq., represents the bust of QUEEN VICTORIA, Her Majesty's locks gracefully waving and gathered in a knot behind...

Category: Medals

The Wreck Register and Chart for 1872

Date: November 1873

Volume: 08

Issue: 90


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Category: Articles

Life-Boats of Six Countries on the Thames

Date: December 1924

Volume: 25

Issue: 282

LIFE-BOATS have already been seen on the Thames. In the Pageant of the Sea Services of the War, which was held on the Thames, in 1919, with the King in his Royal Barge at the head, two Life-boats took part, the steam Life-boat James Stevens...

Category: Articles

The Use of a Line Thrown to Wrecked Vessels from the Shore

Date: January 1856

Volume: 02

Issue: 19

IT is a commonly-received opinion, that if a line can only be thrown over a stranded vessel, the salvation of those on board her is almost secured. It seems to be presumed that those at either end of this slender com- munication, after...

Category: Articles

By Courtesy of the Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd.

Date: January 1971

Volume: 42

Issue: 434

by courtesy of The Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Before Winter Sets In Coxswain Frank Bloom Checks Mooring Chains and Anchors of Walton and Frinton 46' 9" Watson Lifeboat Edian Courtauld Helped By Divers John

Date: Autumn 1975

Volume: 44

Issue: 454

Before winter sets in, Coxswain Frank Bloom checks mooring chains and anchors of Walton and Frinton 46' 9" Watson lifeboat Edian Courtauld helped by divers John Wilcox and Peter Horlock with Crew Member Brian Oxley, Bowman Bobby... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs