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25438 search results for 'Yacht Gan'
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Caroline and Phoenician

Date: February 1881

Volume: 11

Issue: 119

THUBSO, N.B.—During a gale of wind from the W.S.W., with rain, on the 26th November, the schooners Caroline and Phoenician, at anchor in Scrabster Eoads, exhibited signals of distress, in response to which the Life-boat Charley Lloyd was...

Eliza, Tom and Hereford

Date: February 1896

Volume: 16

Issue: 179

BURNHAM.—The ketch Eliza, of Ljdney, was sailing up the river on the 2nd October, when owing to the state of the weather—a moderate gale blowing from the W.N.W. with strong gusts of wind and a heavy sea—her master considered safer to anchor....

Thomas and Catherine Latham

Date: February 1892

Volume: 15

Issue: 163

During a strong S. gale on the 13th October, signals of distress were shown by the schooner Thomas, of and from Liverpool, for Amlwch, laden with coal, which was lying at anchor in Bed Wharf Bay.

The crew of the Life-boat...

Kings Cross and Athendale

Date: February 1932

Volume: 28

Issue: 309

About mid-day on 13th October, the tug King's Cross entered Scrabster Harbour and reported that she had been taking the steamer Athendale, of North Shields, to Glasgow, to be broken up, but that the tow-rope had parted and the steamer...

Noel and Progress

Date: September 1932

Volume: 28

Issue: 311

Early in the morning of the llth March several fishing boats went to sea, and all except two returned before low water. Th wind had freshened considerably from the east, and there was a lot of sea on Whitby Rock, which would sweep up the...

Congress Bell and Nancy

Date: November 1934

Volume: 29

Issue: 320

Wicklow.—On the afternoon of the 29th September a pilot reported to the coxswain that two fishing boats, about a mile east of Five Mile Point, were flying signals of distress. A strong S.S.W. breeze was blowing, with a heavy sea. The motor...

Honoria and a Coble

Date: August 1901

Volume: 18

Issue: 201

SALTBURN, YORKSHIRE.—The Coastguard having reported a vessel stranded near Marske on the morning of the 9th January, the Life-boat Mary Batger was launched at 4.40 in a heavy sea and pulled in the direction indicated. In approaching the...

William and Eliza

Date: November 1901

Volume: 18

Issue: 202

On the 25th March, while a strong breeze was blowing from N.E., accompanied by a rough sea and snow squalls, the Coastguard reported a vessel on the Buxey Sand, showing a signal of distress.

At 10.30 a.m. the Life-boat...

Notus and Sunshine

Date: November 1902

Volume: 18

Issue: 206

GORLESTON, SUFFOLK.—-A telephone message was received from the coastguard about 1.30 P.M. on the 18th April stating that a vessel was ashore half-a-mile south of the watch-house. In the absence of the Coxswain, the Assistant Coxswain...

Rebecca and Mary

Date: August 1907

Volume: 20

Issue: 225

On the 20th February a large schooner was observed making for Liverpool, and she came to anchor about five miles off St.

Anne's. As there was a strong gale blowing from the north-west and a very heavy sea running, a...