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22808 search results for 'Brede Class 12'
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Date: November 1909

Volume: 20

Issue: 234

During a fresh S.W. breeze on the 14th May it was reported that a vessel was on the S.W.

part of the Guufleet Sands, the steam Life-boat City of Glasgow therefore pro- ceeded to her assistance. On reaching the sands they...

Ystroom, of Amsterdam

Date: February 1875

Volume: 09

Issue: 95

On the 27th January, during a fresh breeze at S.S.E., in obedience to signals observed from the North Sand Head and Gull Lightships, the Life- boat Bradford, in tow of the steam-tug Aid, proceeded to the barque Ystroom, of Amsterdam, then...

Marie, of Boustead

Date: February 1875

Volume: 09

Issue: 95

At daylight on the 20th Oct., signals of distress were observed from i this station, shown by the schooner Marie Boustead, of Nantes, which, with foremast and maintop-masts gone, was riding at anchor by one cable only on a rocky i lee shore....


Date: 1945

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1945

Launches 26 Lives rescued 25 The War ended on the last minute of the 8th of May

MAY 9TH. - TORBAY, DEVON. A dinghy attached to a naval motor launch was seen by the life-boat coxswain to capsize off Fishcombe Point,...

Category: Services

What if they don’t listen?

Date: Summer 2011

Volume: 61

Issue: 596 Lifeboat Magazine Summer 2011

For the past 10 years, RNLI lifeguards have carried a ‘duty of care’ to provide a reasonable level of care to all beach users.

Our lifeguards interact with members of the public more than 2M times a year. Most of the time,...

Category: Articles

United States Life-Saving Service

Date: August 1893

Volume: 15

Issue: 169

WE have received the Annual Report 01 the operations of the United States Life- Saving Service for the year ended the 30th June, 1890, issued from the Govern- ment Printing Office at Washington in 1892, the Service being a branch of the...

Category: Articles

Services by Auxiliary Rescue-boats

Date: 1944

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1944

Launches 26. Lives rescued 21.

ISLE OF WHITHORN, WIGTOWNSHIRE. At 3.8 in the afternoon of the 18th of January, l944, a report was received through the military and the coastguard that a Martinet aeroplane, which had been...

Category: Services

A Pleasure Boat

Date: February 1882

Volume: 11

Issue: 123

HOWTH, Co. DUBLIN.—At 1.45 P.M. on the 24th July, during a strong W. gale and heavy sea, a pleasure boat with four men in her was observed to be drifting seaward. The Life-boat Clara Baker proceeded to the boat, and brought her safely ashore...

Services of the Life-Boats

Date: August 1915

Volume: 23

Issue: 257

Ballycotton, Co. Cork—At 6.50 A.M. on the 1st January a message was received at the Coast-guard Signal Station from the captain of the s.s. Pinna, of London, to the effect that he was in distress and required immediate...

Category: Services


Date: Spring 1950

Volume: 33

Issue: 354

St. David's, Pembrokeshire.—At 3.30 in the afternoon, on the 23rd of April, 1950, the coastguard telephoned that the police had passed on a message from Strumble Head that a boat was drifting in St. Bride's Bay. At 10.50 that...