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22808 search results for 'Brede Class 12'
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Date: February 1914

Volume: 22

Issue: 251

In response to a telephone message from the Gunfleet Light-house, at 7.25 P.M. on 21st August, stating that a schooner was ashore on the Sand and in need of assistance, the steam Life-boat City of Glasgow put to sea. The schooner Christabel,...

150th Anniversary Commemorative Items

Date: Summer 1974

Volume: 43

Issue: 449


A solid silver, partly gilt, lifeboat bowl is being made by Aurum Designs conjunction with the RNLI to commemorate the 150th anniversary. A ... and Porcelain Worcester Royal Porcelain are producing two pieces to...

Category: Articles


Date: April 1949

Volume: 32

Issue: 349

Stornoway, Outer Hebrides. — About 4.30 in the afternoon of the 2nd of December, 1948, the coastguard tele- phoned a message received from Cross- bost Post Office that a motor fishing vessel, the Triumph, of Stornoway, appeared to be in a...

Lady Jean

Date: December 1964

Volume: 38

Issue: 410

SAFELY ANCHORED At 5.15 p.m. on I3th September, 1964, the coastguard told the coxswain that a yacht appeared to be drifting in rough seas close by Walton pier and that further investigation was being made. At 6.10 the message was confirmed...


Date: March 1957

Volume: 34

Issue: 379

Seaham Harbour, Co. Durham.—At 11.20 on the night of the 4th of Octo- ber, 1956. the coastguard telephoned that the fishing boat Moira, with a crew of two, was overdue from a fish- ing trip east-south-east of Seaham.


Notes of the Quarter

Date: October 1970

Volume: 41

Issue: 433

THE weekend of 15th/16th August, 1970, was the busiest the life-boat service has known in its entire history. Winds of force 10 or more were blowing, and there was a spate of activity by both life-boats and inshore rescue boats, par-...

Category: Articles

September (1)

Date: 1944

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1944

EYEMOUTH, BERWICKSHIRE. About 11.30 in the morning of the 26th of May, 1944, the motor fishing boat Cecil Rhodes, with six men on board, caught fire while fishing some nine miles north-north-east of Eyemouth. A light westerly wind was...

Category: Services

Bronze Medal for Norfolk Second Coxswain

Date: December 1963

Volume: 37

Issue: 406

AT half past nine on the evening of Saturday the 18th May, 1963, the Wells coastguard told the honorary secretary, Dr. E. W. Hicks, that a cabin cruiser was aground at the entrance to Blake- ney harbour.

The life-boat Cecil...

Category: Services

Athelduchess (1)

Date: 1943

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1943

AUGUST 21ST. - ST. DAVID’S, AND ANGLE, PEMBROKESHIRE. Late on the night of the 20th August, the coastguard reported a vessel ashore inside the south-east rocks of the Smalls off the coast of Pembrokeshire.

She was the...

Collisions at Sea In Fogs

Date: August 1885

Volume: 12

Issue: 137

THE Council of the SOCIETY OF ARTS appointed a Committee in March, 1883, with the full concurrence of the Marine Department of the BOARD OP TRADE, to inquire into and consider the question of collision at sea, the scope of the in- quiry...

Category: Articles