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22808 search results for 'Brede Class 12'
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Date: December 1956

Volume: 34

Issue: 378

Stromness, Orkneys.—At 8.55 on the evening of the 19th of September, 1956, a message was received that a man had heard on his wireless that the' motor vessel Achieve needed help as she was ashore in Hoy Sound. At 9.20 the life-boat...

Mary and Martha

Date: February 1892

Volume: 15

Issue: 163

While a strong gale was blowing from the S., accompanied by a very heavy sea, on the night of the 5th October, signals of distress were shown by the schooner Mary and Martha, bound from Queensferry for Dundalk, laden with bricks, which had...

News from the Branches. 1st August to 31st October, 1935

Date: December 1935

Volume: 29

Issue: 324

1st August to 31st October, 1935.

Greater London.

CLAPHAM.—Whist drive, with address by the assistant district organizing secretary.

HAYES.—Annual meeting on 31st October. Speaker :...

Category: Branches

Rescue of a Cat By a Life-Boat, and the Sequel

Date: August 1901

Volume: 18

Issue: 201


A VERY interesting ceremony took place on the 6th March last at the Mansion House, Dublin, when the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of that city made (at the request of Miss...

Category: Poetry

Night Distress Signals

Date: February 1878

Volume: 10

Issue: 107

' For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle ?" UNTIL the year 1873, vast as were the interests at stake, there was no recognised system of night signals to be shown by vessels in distress...

Category: Articles

Silver and Gold Also, and Even Notes

Date: August 1899

Volume: 17

Issue: 193

Saturday.—Life-boat Saturday — splendid institution—come now, you other chaps, fork out your subscriptions; Pee unfortunately left my parse at home (not that there's anything in it). Bat come, chuck 'em a copper—silver or gold will...

Category: Articles

M. Silas's Inextinguishable Marine Lights

Date: January 1860

Volume: 04

Issue: 35

A LIGHT of a novel character, which, from the circumstance of its being inextinguishable by water, bids fair to be a valuable acquisition, has been recently introduced and patented by M. Silas, a French gentleman, who has lately been...

Category: Articles

Our Heroes

Date: November 1903

Volume: 18

Issue: 210

"Tis a terrible night, and the seas run mountains high, The wind is howling fiercely, with a dark and sullen sky; Eyes are aching and blinded with the driving sleet and rain, And thoughts turn to those who are going out, who may never...

Category: Poetry

The S.S. English Trader

Date: June 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 330

Torbay, Devon.—On the 23rd January the s.s. English Trader, of London, ran ashore at the entrance of DartmouthHarbour. The motor life-boat George Shee rescued the fifty-two men on board. Rewards : Bronze second service clasp, vellums, letter...

Mr. William Adams, Late Coxswain, North Deal

Date: November 1926

Volume: 26

Issue: 288

William Adams, Coxswain of the North Deal Life-boat, died on 23rd October last, in his seventy-sixth year. Probably no Life-boat Coxswain was better known to the public, and few have had a more dis- tinguished career. Born on 5th April, 1851...

Category: Obituaries