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22808 search results for 'Brede Class 12'
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Services of the Life-Boats of the National Life-Boat Institution from the 1st Oct. To the 31st Dec., 1876

Date: February 1877

Volume: 10

Issue: 103

DOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN.—On the night j of Sunday the 1st October, 1876, the ] No. 2 Life-boat, John Turner-Turner, res- cued the crew of the brig Mary Ann, of Whitehaven, and 4 boatmen, being 10 in all, from that vessel, which had drifted on...

Category: Services

Peter Jones China Ltd

Date: Winter 1990

Volume: 51

Issue: 511

Help us to raise £5000 fortheRNLI COALPORT A Limited Edition of2500 The Grace Darling Mug Honouring one and a half centuries of heroism at sea.

Now a legend forever - Grace Darling faced a wild and furious sea to save...

Category: Advertisement

Peter Jones China

Date: Summer 1991

Volume: 52

Issue: 517

HEROIC. Help us to raise £5000 fortheRNLI •WT.CE HORSLEY DARn The reverse of the mug The Grace Darling Mug Honouring one and a half centuries of heroism at sea.

Now a legend forever - Grace Darling faced a wild and...

Category: Advertisement

Awards to Honorary Workers

Date: Summer 1951

Volume: 33

Issue: 359

Thanks of the Institution on Vellum The Thanks of the Institution Inscribed on Vellum has been awarded to the following honorary secretaries of life-boat stations on their retirement.

REV. W. CARROLL, of...

Category: Awards

News from the Branches

Date: November 1920

Volume: 24

Issue: 271


AFTER the very successful Life-boat Day held at Eastbourne on the 31st July, by which the sum of over £550 was raised, the following letter appeared in the Eastbourne papers from...

Category: Branches

Notes of the Quarter

Date: June 1964

Volume: 38

Issue: 408

EARL HOWE, the former chairman of the Committee of Management, has been appointed honorary chairman for life of the Institution. This appoint- ment brings to an end an active period of work on behalf of the life-boat service extending over...

Category: Articles

Fifty-Two Lives Rescued. A Bronze-Medal Service at Torbay

Date: March 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 329

A Bronze-Medal Service at Torbay.

EARLY in the morning of 23rd January the 4,000-ton steamer English Trader, of London, ran ashore on Checkstone Ledge, at the entrance to Dartmouth harbour, owing to the temporary failure...

Category: Services


Date: February 1876

Volume: 09

Issue: 99

At 10 P.M. on the 27th October, in reply to signals of distress, the Life-boat Dr. Batton was launched from this station, and proceeded through a heavy sea and fresh breeze at S.E. to the assistance of the barque Atlantic, of Grimstad, which...

A Motor Vessel (2)

Date: 1940

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1940

DECEMBER 21ST. - NEW BRIGHTON, CHESHIRE. A motor vessel had struck a mine in the Mersey, but her crew were rescued by other vessels. - Rewards, £9 1s..

A Stirling Aeroplane

Date: 1943

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1943


A Stirling aeroplane had crashed into the sea in flames, but nothing of her was found.- Rewards, £26 1s. 6d..