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University Marine Ltd

Date: January 1973

Volume: 42

Issue: 442

Zodiac, the best inflatable in the world.

Zodiac is Number One. Built by the oldest and best known inflatable manufacturers in the world, Zodiac inrlatables confirm their pedigree, as soon as the going gets...

Category: Advertisement

University Marine

Date: Autumn 1974

Volume: 43

Issue: 450

Zodiac, the best inflatable in the world.

Zodiac is Number One. Built by the oldest and best known inflatable manufacturers in the world, Zodiac inflatables confirm their pedigree, as soon as the going gets...

Category: Advertisement


Date: Summer 2005

Volume: 60

Issue: 573

THE NATION'S BACKJ CARE SPECIALISTS ,DO OTHER COMPANIES OFFER YOU THIS 7 day money-back guarantee. If not entirely satisfied, YOUK I I I I . MONEY REFUNDED and any (unwanted iu-m collected FREE.

|2. NO high prices.<...

Category: Advertisement


Date: Summer 1994

Volume: 53

Issue: 529

Mariner doesn't just promise reliability.

It proves it! It you're considering buying an outboard, whatever the size, you'll have noticed that almost every manufacturer promises greater reliability as an...

Category: Advertisement

Nine People Rescued from Dutch Motor Vessel

Date: September 1964

Volume: 38

Issue: 409

A FINE service carried out in an easterly gale resulted in the rescue of all nine people on board a Dutch motor vessel. For this service Coxswain Walter Jonas Oxley, of Walton and Frinton, was awarded the bronze second service clasp for...

Category: Services


Date: Summer 1978

Volume: 46

Issue: 465

Aground on Goodwins REPORTS OF SHIP'S LIGHTS in the vicinity of East Goodwin Buoy were passed to the honorary secretary of Walmer lifeboat station by Dover Straits Coastguard at 2130 on Saturday December 10, 1977. The East Goodwin...

The Late Edward Spender, Esq.

Date: August 1878

Volume: 10

Issue: 109


BY the lamented death of this gentleman, the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION has lost one of its ablest and most steadfast advocates in the press. On Friday, the 7th June last, Mr. Spender...

Category: Obituaries

Life-Boat House, Wembley

Date: December 1924

Volume: 25

Issue: 282

THE Institution took advantage of the fortunate coincidence that the British Empire Exhibition has been held in its Centenary Year, to erect its own house in the. Exhibition grounds. Life-boat House, Wembley, was very appro- priately placed...

Category: Articles

Services of Foreign Life-Boats to British Vessels In 1933

Date: June 1934

Volume: 29

Issue: 318

BELOW will be found particulars of the services of foreign life-boat societies to British vessels during 1933 and the present figures of their fleets.


The Danish life-boat service did not go out...

Category: Services

Life-Boat House Wembley

Date: March 1926

Volume: 26

Issue: 286

LIFE-BOAT HOUSE at the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley was kept open during the Exhibition's second year with the same exhibit of models, gear, pictures and relics as in 1924. A Watson Cabin Motor Life-boat was again the principal...

Category: Articles