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11 search results for '"Dawson" AND "1959"'
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Tommy Dawson,

Date: Autumn 1995

Volume: 54

Issue: 534

September 1995 Tommy Dawson, coxswain of North Sunderland lifeboat. Tommy first became a ere w member at North Sunderland in 1927, where in 1939 he became bowman. In 1951 he was appointed second coxswain and in 1955 was appointed coxswain, a...

Category: Obituaries

Portrait of a Coxswain

Date: December 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 426

Coxswain Thomas D. Dawson, of the North Sunderland life-boat The Edward and Mary Lester. Appointed second coxswain in 1951, Coxswain Dawson, who became coxswain in 1955, joined the crew in 1927. He was awarded the bronze medal in 1959 for... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Coxswain Goes Overboard to Man on Cliff

Date: December 1959

Volume: 35

Issue: 390

AT 3.20 on the afternoon of the 12th of July, 1959, the honorary secretary of the North Sunderland, Northumber- land, life-boat station, Mr. T. W. A.

Swallow, learnt from the coastguard that a canoe with one man in it had...

Category: Services


Date: Autumn 1995

Volume: 54

Issue: 534

With deep regret we record the following deaths: August 1995 Lieutenant-Colonel Brian Clark CM GM, Former national organiser for RNLI in Ireland from 1967 to 1982.

September 1995 Tommy Dawson, coxswain of North Sunderland...

Category: Obituaries

Awards to Coxswains and Crews

Date: October 1972

Volume: 42

Issue: 441

THE following coxswains and members of life-boat crews were awarded certificates of service on their retirement and in addition those entitled to them, by the Institution's regulations, were awarded an annuity or a retirement allowance...

Category: Awards

Lists of Awards

Date: Spring 1998

Volume: 56

Issue: 544

to -voluntary zvorkers at the 1998 Annual Presentation of Awards Since the last Annual Presentation of Awards Meeting, the Committee of Management has awarded three Honorary Life Governorships, 10 Bars to the Gold Badge and 50 Gold Badges....

Category: Awards

People and Places

Date: Summer 1986

Volume: 50

Issue: 497

RNLI lottery 'You need hands' was the watchword on the day Max Bygraves drew the winning tickets for the 34th national lottery on July 31, 1986. Mr Bygraves, who was appearing in a summer show at the Poole Arts Centre, kept the...

Category: Articles

The Annual General Meeting

Date: June 1960

Volume: 35

Issue: 392

H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF KENT, Presi- dent of the Institution, attended the annual general meeting of the governors of the Institution at the Central Hall, Westminster, on the 30th of March, 1960, and presented medals for gallantry and other...

Category: Meetings

People and Places

Date: Summer 1990

Volume: 51

Issue: 513

Around and about the RNLI Jam on the Bread! Two stars from the popular BBC TV series 'Bread' drew the winning tickets for the RNLI's 50th national lottery, which took place on 31 July 1990.

Nellie Boswell and...

Category: Articles

Sea Beat

Date: Winter 1977

Volume: 44

Issue: 459

'COME ON, BEN,' and as Bridlington lifeboat prepares to launch on service Police Constable Usher quickly boards as seventh man; 'I'll come with you,' and at Douglas Chief Inspector Robin Corrin (later Deputy Chief...

Category: Articles