WE lament to announce the death of the Right Hon. Sir Stephen Cave, P.O., G.C.B., Paymaster-General and Judge Advocate- General in the late Government, and member for Shoreham from 1859 until the late general election. For some years Sir...
Category: Obituaries
ON the 23rd May last, H.R.H. the DUKE OF EDINBURGH presided at the Anniversary Meeting of this Society, at the Mansion House. His Royal Highness was sup- ported on the occasion by the LORD MAYOR, the DUKE or MARLBOROUGH (Pre- sident of the...
Category: Meetings
Dungeness lifeboat Crew Member Garry Clark is to receive the RNLI's Silver Medal for his bravery and determination during the rescue of seven people from the yacht Liquid Vortex on 3 January this year.
In a long and...
Category: Articles
Early in the morning of 7th November, 1969, the nightwatchman at the R.N.L.I. Depot at Boreham Wood, Herts., Mr. Kazimierz Jastrzebski, who is 55, struggled with a gunman who was accompanied by four other men. One of the raiders fired a shot...
Category: Articles
• It is also with regret that we report the death of John Eardley Wilmot Bryan, Great Yarmouth and Gorleston lifeboat coxswain/mechanic from 1967-76 and a member of the crew from 1956..
Category: Obituaries
THE annual Shipping Festival Service in Winchester Cathedral, organised by the Southampton Master Marin- ers Club, was held on the 25th of June. The Archbishop of Canterbury preached, and among those taking part in the service were the...
Category: Articles
THURSDAY, 8th October, 1903.
Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.
Also read those of the Building, Finance and...
Category: Committee
SILVER MEDAL SERVICE AT CAMPBELTOWN JANUARY 1 9TH. - CAMPBLE- TOWN, ARGYLLSHIRE, AND PORTPATRICK, WIGTOWN-SHIRE. At seven minutes to eight in the morning a message came from the coastguard at Southend that a ship was ashore in front of the...
SILVER MEDAL SERVICE AT CAMPBELTOWN JANUARY 1 9TH. - CAMPBLE- TOWN, ARGYLLSHIRE, AND P O R T P A T R I C K , W I G T O W N - SHIRE. At seven minutes to eight in the morning a message came from the coastguard at Southend that a ship was...
Arklow, Co. Wicklow. At 11.3 on the night of the 21st of January, 1958, the motor mechanic told the honorary secretary that the owner of the steam coaster Anna Toop, of Cardiff, had in- formed him that the vessel was aground on Arklow Bank...