As in the past four years, the Institu- tion has again supplied free to all yacht clubs which wished to have it a copy of the chart of life-boat stations round the British Isles which appears in the annual report. This chart, besides ...
Category: Articles
DRUMMORE, WIGTOWNSHIRE. During the afternoon of the 14th November, 1938, the steamer Ben May sprang a leak and sank in East Tarbert Bay. Her crew of live took to the ship’s boat, and at the request of the coastguard, three men put out in a...
Category: Services
The annual report of the Civil Service and Post Office Life-boat Fund for 1969 discloses that the total subscription received last year amounted to £28,623. This was a record. While the increase constituted arrears from the previous...
Category: Articles
DURING the past year mounted charts showing the life-boat stations round the British Isles, with the signals to be used by vessels in distress, were sent to nearly ninety yacht clubs. It is proposed to continue the distribution of these...
Category: Articles
IN May, 1930, the Committee of Management appointed Mr. Leonard Gow, J.P., Chairman of the Glasgow Branch since 1927—and previous to that Honorary Secretary of the Branch for 16 years—a Vice-President of the Insti- tution, in recognition of...
Category: Committee
In May we’ll be celebrating the achievements of RNLI volunteers and supporters at the Annual Presentation of Awards. It’s all happening at the Barbican Hall, London, on 21 May 2015. The Annual General Meeting starts at 11.30am and the awards...
Category: Articles
PAGE PAGE P4CE ANNUAL REPORT . ' . " . . 599 " Life-boat Saturday " Officers . 705 Officers of the Institution . . 606 Balance Sheet . . . . 614 " Life-boat Sunday " Collections . 698 Resolutions »t Annas!...
Category: Index
After the Annual Report was completed, Colonel Sir FiTzRoY CLAYTON, who had taken an active p;trt in its preparation, was seized with sudden illness, and, to the deep regret of his colleagues, he has now resigned the Chairmanship of the...
Category: Committee
1st October to 31st December.
Greater London.
CLAPHAM.—Address to the Rotary Club by the Organizing...
Category: Branches
ANNUAL REPORT . . . 33 " Life-boat Sunday " Collections . 144 Officers of the Institution . . 40 Balance Sheet . . . 48 life-boats, Descriptions of . . 116 Resolutions at Annual Meeting . 39 Box Collections . . . 146 Life-boats and...
Category: Index