Swanage, Dorset.—On the morning of the 5th August St. Alban's Head coastguard reported that a vessel one and a half miles S.W. of the Head was making signals of distress. A moderate W. breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. The motor...
WITH reference to our article under the above heading in the May issue of the Life-boat Journal, we are now able, through the courtesy of the British Consul-General at St. Petersburg, to supplement our survey by giving some details with...
Category: Articles
Hull's Special Report.
AT the Annual Meeting of the Branch, held on 31st March, the Lord Mayor (Councillor Digby Willoughby), one of; the Presidents of the Branch, proposed that Hull should make a special effort to...
Category: Branches
OWING to the heavy demand on the space in this number made by the report of the Annual Meeting, the Essay Competition, and News from the Branches, it has been necessary to hold over several articles, which will appear in the next number....
Category: Articles
Royal National Lifeboat Institution Contents Volume 51 Number 508 Chairman: MICHAEL VERNON Director and Secretary: LT CDR BRIAN MILES RD MNIRNR Editor: MIKE FLOYD Headquarters: Royal National Lifeboat Institution, West Quay Road, Poole,...
Category: Contents
Reported to the September and October Meetings of the Committee of Management.
September Meeting.
Sheringham and Cromer, Norfolk.— A three-masted schooner, the Six Sisters, of Hull, was anchored...
Category: Services
THE forty-first anniversary of this ad- mirable society was held at the City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, on the 27th May, under the presidency of Admiral Sir ALEXANDER MILNE, G.C.B., Vice- President.
Amongst those...
Category: Meetings
THE annual meeting of the Committee was held on the 10th January last, at the General Post Office, Mr. W. H. HAINES, of the House of Lords, presiding. The report, read by Mr. CHARLES DIBDIN, F.R.G.S., the honorary secretary, stated that the...
Category: Meetings