THE expression " Pouring oil on troubled waters" "has been from some remote period metaphorically used to signify the allayment of anger and strife by kind and gentle words. Like all other metaphors, this one was no doubt...
Category: Articles
Thursday, 8th October, 1896.
Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting.
Also read those of the Building, Finance and...
Category: Committee
Membership survey LAST YEAR questionnaires were sent to 2,000 Shoreline members in a survey which aimed to find out more about membership to help future recruiting.
Over 1,000 completed forms were returned and analysed by...
Category: Articles
THE Institution has awarded an in- scribafl Aneroid Barometer to Mr.
Lionel Hunt, of Barry Dock, Glamor- ganshire, for his gallantry in rescu- ing two men from drowning. Mr.
Lionel Hunt is a Barry Channel...
Category: Awards
Hyannis to Rockland from page 233 were asked regarding the operation of a voluntary lifeboat service outside Government control. The predominantly shore based role of HM Coastguard was a fact which many of the audience found hard to...
Category: Articles
A NAVY Bomb Disposal team tackles still active wartime relic, caught in the nets of a fishing vessel.
A party of 10 anglers, adrift in their disabled boat, float into the danger area just as the wartime explosive...
Category: Articles
ON 21st January, 1970, Fraserburgh life-boat capsized with the loss of five members of her crew. There was only one survivor, Mr. Jackson Buchan. On 25th March Mr. Goronwy Roberts, Minister of State, Board of Trade, stated in the House of...
Category: Articles
More Lifeboats at Dunkirk In your Autumn issue lifeboat enthusiast Jeff Morris states that 19 lifeboats from the RNLI attended the evacuation of Dunkirk during 1940. He is right to say that 19 lifeboats went to Dunkirk but wrong in thus...
Category: Correspondence
WBXFOBD AND BOSSLAEE BBANCH. diocese The tm£ and c*stle were LXIH. WEXFOED No. 1.—The Ethel Eveleen, 40 feet by 10 feet 6 inches, 12 oars.
LXIV. Ditto No. 2.—The Civil Service No. 1,34 feet by...
Category: Articles
Eight-hour service for Lerwick's Arun in appalling conditions Lerwick's Arun class lifeboat Soldian spent nearly eight hours at sea in hurricane-force winds and huge seas on 12 December 1990 in what proved to be a tragically...