THE two members of the crew of the Easmey, Hampshire, inshore rescue boat, Helmsman Robert Faro and Roy Richards, have each been accorded the thanks of the R.N.L.I. inscribed on vellum for rescuing two people from a speedboat which capsized...
Category: Services
Training saves lives The benefits of the RNLI's training programme were demonstrated in August last year when crew members of Fenit lifeboat saved the life of a man using their newly gained resuscitation and cardiac massage skills. The...
Support our volunteer crews It was an excellent idea to enclose the two eye catching Support our volunteer crews window stickers with the Spring 2003 issue of the Lifeboat.
Until a few years ago we used to have Support the...
Category: Correspondence
Prompt action saves life of lone yachtsmanThe rescue of a lone yachtsman from seas off Hastings has earned assistant mechanic David Curtis the Thanks of the RNLI Inscribed on Vellum.In his official report, deputy divisional inspector of...
• CI should like to tell about something that has given me an enormous amount of satisfaction; I think it was one of the proudest moments in my life when they made me the coxswain —and certainly the proudest moment in my dad's life. One...
Category: Articles
Short service iust 500 yards from station - but a surfer's life is saved Ashort but very difficult service by North Sunderland's D class inflatable lifeboat on 18 May 1996 undoubtedly saved the life of a surfer, and also led to the...
BELONGING TO on IN CONNECTION WITH T STATION. Length. Breadth. No. of Oars. When Stationed £ or Named. ENGLAND. Ft. In. Ft. In. NORTHUMBERLAND BERWICK-OS-TWEED - - - 37 - 8 - 12 1888 HOLY...
Category: Articles
THE report of the committee set up to review the Marine Search and Rescue Organisation of the United Kingdom has now been published. Its publication was reported briefly in certain newspapers, but had little editorial...
Category: Articles
RIG SERVICE IN 60 KNOT GALE AROUND 1.30 p.m. on 19th October, 1971, it was learnt that the crew of the drilling rig William Allpress were in need of assistance. The rig was anchored J mile off Rustington, Sussex, and had been in this...
IN our Life-boat Saturday Fund article published in the February number last year, we ventured to prophesy that better results would be obtained by the Life- boat Saturday workers in 1901 than in the preceding year, and we are only too...
Category: Articles