Round Table 50th anniversary appeal At their National Conference held at Blackpool in May, Round Table delegates from all over Britain and Ireland voted to raise funds for a Waveney lifeboat. The appeal is to mark the 50th anniversary of the...
Category: Articles
Lt Cdr Brian Miles, the Director of the RNLI, was awarded a CBE in the New Year's honours list in recognition of his service to the Institution.
Cdr Miles joined the RNLI in 1964 as Assistant Inspector of Lifeboats in...
Category: Articles
Jan. 2. 10.40 a.m.
„ 3. 10.30a.m.
„ 4. 8. 0 a.m.
„ 4. 8.15 p.m.
„ 5. 8.30 p.m.
„ 6. 10. 0 a.m.
„ 6. 10. 0 a.m...
Category: Services
At 10.5 A.M. a vessel was reported to be ashore between Annan and Carlisle. Enquiries were made, and another message was received that the vessel was ashore at Powfoot, Annan. At 12.10...
St. Peter Port, Boulmer, Cloughey and Clogher Head.
DURING September four Inaugural Cere- monies of Motor Life-boats took place, making a total of twenty-two such cere- monies held this year. The accounts of the other...
Category: Inaugurations
Rescuing the Captain and Mate of the S.S. " Treport," of London, which struck submerged wreckage at the mouth of the Thames on 19th September, and sank after being beached on the Girdler Sands. The crew had been taken off earlier... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
An extract from The Life-boat, or Journal of the National Shipwreck Institution, 1853.
THE Committee regret to have to state that the frequency of shipwrecks on the coasts of the United Kingdom, during the past twelve...
Category: Articles
When Woodley branch held its flag day in the local shopping precinct this year, they borrowed a model lifeboat from Windsor branch which created a great deal of interest, especially from the children.
On the same day Rupert... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
"The Lifeboat - Small Ads To advertise on these pages please call Deborah Roos, Madison Bell Ltd, 02073890825 or E-mail:[email protected] BOATING HOLIDAYS ' CRUISES THROUGH THE COUNTRYSIDE Aboard our owner hosled Holel Narrow...
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Southwold and Dunwich ; Yarmouth, Isle of Wight; Great Yarmouth and Gorlcston ; Montrose.
DURING the past summer the Inaugural Ceremonies of five Motor Life-boats have taken place. The first of these, the inauguration of...
Category: Inaugurations