Ax exhibition of life-boats through the ages was opened at Life-boat House, 42, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I, by Commodore the Earl Howe, deputy chairman of the Institution, on the 3rd of December, 1954.
The exhibition...
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CHANGE OF TITLE OF THE ROYAL NATIONAL INSTITUTION FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE FROM SHIPWRECK MOST of our readers are already aware that the title of the above Society has been recently altered to that of the "Royal...
Category: Articles
SHORELINE STAFF wish all members and everyone connected with the RNLI a happy and successful new year.
October 1974 was a landmark for us, when the 20,000th Shoreline member was enrolled. This member was 12-yearold Linda...
Category: Articles
THE Imperial Japanese Life-saving Institution issued in March of this year a pamphlet, written in English, giving a brief history of the Japanese Life-boat Service since the chief priest of the Kotohira Shrine in the...
Category: Articles
New Brighton, Cheshire. At 4.40 on the afternoon of the 13th of July, 1958, a report was received that a naval sea cadet whaler was in difficulties west of Perch Rock lighthouse. At 4.45 the life-boat Norman B. Corlett put out in a rough sea...
A CLIFF SAVE AT 2.25 p.m. on 10th June, 1972, the coxswain of the Clovelly, North Devon, life-boat was advised by a member of the public that two men were trapped on the cliff face below Gallant Rock to the west of Clovelly. Gesturing hand...
IN the Report of the General Superin- tendent of the Life-saving Service, it is stated that there were at the close of the last flscal year 194 stations, 149 being on the Atlantic, 37 on the Lakes, 7 on the Pacific, and 1 at the Falls of the...
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"STORM -warnings may be considered as the most immediate practical application of weather knowledge." Mr. EGBERT H. SCOTT, Director of the Meteorological Department, so commences the eighth chapter of the admirable work to which he...
Category: Charts
THE LIFE-BOAT FLEET 153 Motor Life-boats 1 Harbour Pulling Life-boat LIVES RESCUED from the foundation of the Life-boat Service in 1824 to August 31st, 1952 - 77,894 One Hundred Years Old By I. O. Evans,...
Category: Articles
IT is with great regret that we have to announce the retirement, under the age limit, of Commander Thomas Holmes, R.N., the Chief Inspector of Life-boats, on completing twenty-seven years' service, and we feel sure that our regret will...
Category: Articles