From cliffs to islands, beaches to rivers, this selection of rescues demonstrates the depth of skill and nerve demanded of RNLI lifeboat crews and lifeguards - and that you can never predict where and when you may need their helpFirst aid...
Category: Articles
LAST YEAR'S capsize of the roll-on roll-off ferry Herald of Free Enterprise close to Zeebrugge Harbour entrance, brought sharply into focus the need for emergency services on land and at sea to be alert and ready to cope with the myriad...
Category: Articles
Around and about the RNLI Good Times in the London marathon Tony Williamson, the chairman of Littlehampton Branch is a keen marathon runner, and has already raised £1,300 for the Shoreham Lifeboat appeal when he competed in the New York...
Category: Articles
THE LIFE-BOAT FLEET 155 Motor Life-boats 1 Harbour Pulling Life-boat LIVES RESCUED from the foundation of the Life-boat Service in 1824 to 31st March, 1954 - 78,633 Notes of the Quarter THE first of the major flag days of the...
Category: Articles
As reported in the September issue of THE LIFE-BOAT, T.V. announcer Guy Thomas, on behalf of T.W.W.
Ltd., presented a television set to the crew of 70-001 when she visited Bristol earlier this... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
THIS year has been one of exceptional interest with regard to the development of Marine Motors, and it will be satis- factory to the supporters of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION to know that the subject of placing motors in...
Category: Articles
Governors ... Shoreline... Storm Force.. Active Membership The numbers of those joining the Institution's membership scheme have continued to grow apace during the early months of 1990, and the active membership now totals 27,142...
Category: Articles
an act of common humanity at what would seem a trifling cost ? The reasons operating on the mind of the man who thus " passes by on the other side " are these: public journals accounts given by sailors j l - That the loss of...
Category: Articles
At midday on 2 January 2002, RNLI lifeboats became operational on the River Thames. For the first time, the capital has a 24-hour dedicated rapid response service on its river. There are four lifeboat stations, at Gravesend, Tower Pier,...
Category: Articles
At 5.15 P.M. on the 5th December a pilot boat with three men on board put out in response to what was thought to be a signal for a pilot. The weather was very thick, with a moderate easterly breeze. The three men found a yacht, the Glen Cora...