Coming Events Poole lifeboat, Augustine Courtauld, will be named by Lady Rayner on May 7.
Annual General Meeting, Royal Festival Hall, May 8. The Presidential address will be made by HRH The Duke of Kent, who will also...
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0 Shipwreck by Vcra Cumberlege (Andre Deutsch, 95p) is a very well illustrated children's book. Young Jim knew he would never forget the day his father and the rest of the life-boat crew rowed out to a wreck for the last time before the...
Category: Articles
New Quay, Cardiganshire. At 10.7 p.m. on 4th August, 1965, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that the Aberdovey IRB had launched and that the Aberystwyth IRB was about to launch to search for several yachts which were missing and...
SHORELINE MAKES MARINE LOANS PLAIN SAILING A new boat3 a refit? Or just a little help with annual expenses? Whatever your requirements, if you're an RNLI supporter you can...
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Beaumaris, October 18, 1986: within hours of her official handing over and dedication ceremony the new Atlantic 21 lifeboat at Beaumaris was called out on service. The lifeboat was provided by the BBC television programme Blue Peter whose... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
by Maggie Murray/Format Prior to the Annual Presentation of Awards on 19 May, the six Bronze Medallists line up aboard the Mersey class Marine Engineer for the photocall on the Thames.
Next Issue: The Autumn issue of THE... - View image in PDF
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The Falmouth International Sea Shanty Festival took place in June, with 23 groups from around Europe taking part. The event is one of the world’s biggest maritime music festivals, and one of its main aims is to raise money for the...
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After each of his shows at the Playhouse Theatre, Bournemouth, last summer. Max Bygraves went into the foyer to autograph his LP record albums. All profits were divided between four charities and Mr Bygraves presented the first cheques, for... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Twenty-six rescued HM COASTGUARD at Shoreham MRSC telephoned the honorary secretary of Shoreham Harbour lifeboat station at 0817 on Monday January 21 asking that the lifeboat be placed on standby; a merchant vessel, the 3,500-ton Greek...
IN our issue of November, 1911, we observed that the Board of Trade had issued their "Abstracts on Shipping Casualties" earlier than usuai, thus enabling us to publish our article on the Wreck Register in November instead of...
Category: Articles