THE Imperial Japanese Society for Saving Life from Shipwreck (Dainippon Teikoku Suinam Kiusai Kwai) was established in 1879, but was not incorporated by Imperial Charter until 1899. At the present time the Society has 17 stations on the...
Category: Articles
ME. J. F. JELLICO, the Honorary Secre- tary of the Port of Liverpool Branch, died early in August after a long illness.
He was in his sixty-ninth year. Mr.
Jelliro had been the Honorary Secretary (f that...
Category: Obituaries
ON the afternoon of 29th August news was received at Wick of a vessel, found later to be the steamer Munin, of Bergen,Norway, which had gone ashore on the east side of North Ronaldshay, the northernmost island of the...
THE Alnwick Ladies' Life-boat Guild has carried out a very successful chil- dren's collection, which was organized by the Guild Chairman, Mrs. Norman Brown. Prince of Wales' Collecting Cards were given to children all over the...
Category: Donations
THROUGH the kindness of the organizers of the annual Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition, held at Olympia last September, the Institution was given free space for a life-boat exhibit for the fortnight during which the exhibition...
Category: Articles
THE death recently in Belfast of Mr.
Joseph Devlin, the Nationalist Member of Parliament, recalls a notable appeal which he made on one occasion at the annual meeting of the Belfast Branch of the Institution in the Belfast...
Category: Obituaries
Newhaven, Sussex. — At five in the afternoon, on the 27th of May, 1950, the coastguard telephoned a Brighton police report that a yacht was in dis- tress one mile off Saltdean. At 5.12 the life-boat Cecil and Lilian Philpott was...
Plymouth, Devon. At 1.53 early on the morning of the 5th December. 1961, the coastguard informed the honorary sec- retary that a ship had drifted danger- ously close to the rocks near the Mount Batten look-out. The assembly signal was made...
COVER PICTURE l ik bur-h. on the Suffolk coast, has always been famous for its lifeboatmen, the Cable family being particularly remembered. Then there are the Woods. And this quarter's cover is of Coxswain Reuben ood who was... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
DURING July, 1968, the track to the life-boat station at Kirkcudbright, Scotland, was repaired by a squadron of Royal Engineers. The station is four miles from the town and about a mile from the public road, access being by a private track...
Category: Articles