The South Bank Meetings 1989 The Annual General Meeting Presentation of Awards for 1988Once again the RNLI's annual meetings - held at the South Bank in London on 16 May - were able to reflect on a very successful 12 months for the...
Category: Meetings
THURSDAY., 1st Jan., 1874: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., F.P., in the Chair.
Read and approved the. Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspon- dence, and Wreck and Reward...
Category: Committee
THE LIFE-BO AT FLEET Motor Life-boats, 134 :: Pulling & Sailing Life-boats, 33 LIVES RESCUED from the foundation of the Institution in 1824 to May 31st, 1937 65,196 H.R.H. The Duke of Kent, K.G.
Presidential ...
Category: Meetings
Life-Boatmen Were Honoured During 1964 rescue craft of the Royal National Life-boat Institution received more service calls than in any year since the foundation of the Institution in 1824. This was reported by Captain the Hon. V. M. Wyndham...
Category: Meetings
THE LIFE-BOAT FLEET 155 Motor Life-boats 1 Harbour Pulling Life-boat LIVES RESCUED from the foundation of the Life-boat Service in 1824 to 31st October, 1954 - 78,940 Notes of the Quarter THE cold, wet summer of 1954 was a most...
Category: Articles
THE hundred and fifteenth annual meeting of the Governors of the In- stitution was held at the Central Hall, Westminster, at 3 P.M. on Wednesday, 26th April. Over 2,500 people were present.
H.R.H. the Duke of Kent, K.G.,...
Category: Meetings
£. s. d. £.
8,125 1 - To NEW LIFE-BOATS, (exclusive of carriages and equipment) for the following Stations :— Abersoch, Atherfleld, Boul- mer, Biighsione Grange, Cahore, Caister (No. 2), Cul- daff,...
Category: Accounts
Janet Gleeson’s well researched biography of our founder, Sir William Hillary, The Lifeboat Baronet revealed vital new information that removes a slur on the great...
Category: Articles
Ix the last number of this Journal attention was drawn to the valuable co-operation of the Man- chester Branch, and the important services rendered to the Life-boat cause in that city, resulting, as was shown, in the presentation of...
Category: Articles
1948 £ *. d.
148,673 4 1 360 4 2 .47,180 13 3 143 7 11 32,729 2 1 14,801 14 7 1,039 17 11 2,010 4 6 246,938 8 6 20,782 15 - 41 - - 2,165 17 6 2,652 4 6 1,816 6 5 181 2 6 27,639 5 11 27,042 18 8 23,516 4 7 198 18 10...
Category: Accounts