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Date: December 1963

Volume: 37

Issue: 406

MOTOR BOAT DRIFTS FOR SIXTEEN HOURS Shor?ham Harbour, Sussex. The Shorehum coastguard telephoned the honorary secretary at 10.30 on the morning of Sunday the 29th September, 1963, to say they had received a report that the motor boat Jason...

Service to Mi Amigo:

Date: Autumn 1981

Volume: 48

Issue: 478

Service to Mi Amigo: On the evening of March 19, 1980. the radio ship Mi Amigo was reported to be dragging anchor in the vicinity of NW Long Sand Beacon. Sheerness lifeboat, the 44ft Waveney1 Helen Turnbull, under the command of Coxswain...

Category: Services


Date: Autumn 1994

Volume: 53

Issue: 530

Thanks on Vellum for Scarborough service A service on 12 August 1994 by Scarborough's Mersey class Fanny Victoria Wilkinson and Frank Stubbs, which was reported in the Autumn issue of THE LIFEBOAT, has led to Coxswain Richard Constantine...

People and Places

Date: Summer 1987

Volume: 50

Issue: 501

Lottery The RNLFs national lottery, which has so far raised more than £1 million for the Institution's funds, now has increased prize money on offer for the 20 winners of each quarter's draw.

The first prize...

Category: Articles

Around the Coast

Date: Summer 1981

Volume: 47

Issue: 477

A LARGE CROWD gathered at Selsey on April 25 for the handing over and dedication of the station's new D class lifeboat which is the gift of Selsey Lions Club. The lifeboat was presented by Mr A. E. Ryan, president of Selsey Lions, to...

Category: Articles


Date: Winter 1987

Volume: 50

Issue: 499

Beaumaris, October 18, 1986: within hours of her official handing over and dedication ceremony the new Atlantic 21 lifeboat at Beaumaris was called out on service. The lifeboat was provided by the BBC television programme Blue Peter whose... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Civil Service Life-Boat Fund

Date: February 1904

Volume: 19

Issue: 211

THE 37th Annual Meeting of the [ Committee of this Fund was held on the 18th ultimo, the Chair being occupied by the Right Hon. Sir RALPH H. KNOX, K.C.B. Mr. CHARLES DIBDIN, the honorary Secretary, stated that the Fund had fully maintained...

Category: Meetings

The Fund Raisers

Date: Winter 1985

Volume: 49

Issue: 491

Concerted efforts Worcester guild has a particular talent for turning musical notes into pound notes. In May 1984 a concert given by Scottish baritone, Peter Morrison, in conjunction with the Hereford Police Choir, raised £362.25, while...

Category: Articles

Services of the Life-Boats. Reported to the February, March and April Meetings of the Committee of Management

Date: June 1935

Volume: 29

Issue: 322

Reported to the February, March and April Meetings of the Committee of Management.

February Meeting.

Weston-super-Mare, Somerset.—On the afternoon of the 8th January, the Avonmouth haven master...

Category: Services


Date: Autumn 1995

Volume: 54

Issue: 534

NEWSPOINT One only has to look at the names of the RNLI's lifeboat's to realise that a large percentage of them, indeed perhaps the majority, have been funded by legacies and bear the name of the donor or a close...

Category: Articles