£ s. d.
s. d.
32,778 19 11 100 12 5 13,513 11 9 406 1 6 10,707 17 3,321 13 459 17 245 10 61,534 3 8 New Life-boats for the following stations :—On...
Category: Accounts
The RNLI's Annual General Meeting and Presentation of Awards were held once again on London's South Bank on Tuesday 10 May 1994. Once again both meetings attracted a large and interested assembly to hear of the Institution's work...
Category: Meetings
The Annual Meeting was held on 15th March, Lady Montgomery, the Chairman of the Committee, presiding.
The annual report for the year ended 30th September, 1921, -which was pre- sented to...
Category: Branches
IT has been our custom from time to time to record the noble deeds of our Life- boat crews, who, acting on the promptings of an innate heroism, have, during winter storms, performed deeds of such desperate courage and patient endurance as to...
Category: Articles
ANNUAL REPORT , Box Collections . , Branch Contributions , General Collections .
General Contributions Gold and Stiver Medato TA0, ABEBAYBOB , , , . 542 ABSEDKBK , ... 685 ABBBDOVET , , ...
Category: Index
' Seamen of the Downs." By George Bethel Bayley. (Blackwood.
12s. Qd. net.) In this excellent book Mr. Bayley has continued the heroic story of the Lifeboatmen whose duty lies about the I dreaded Goodwin Sands,...
Category: Articles
DOUGLAS (!SLE OF MAN).-—Life-boat Sunday was held on 5th August, on Douglas Head, and a record congrega- tion assembled. The prayers were said by the Rev. A. C. McNeal, the vicar of St. Ninian's. The lesson was read by Colonel Madoc,...
Category: Branches
THE first in a series of books which will undoubtedly become standard works on the history of the Cornish fife-boats. Wreck and Rescue Round the Cornish Coast by Cyril Noall and Grahame Farr (D. Bradford Barton, 2is.), is both an admirable...
Category: Articles
FOLLOWING on the Conferences of Hcnorary Secretaries already held at Ijlargate in the South-East of England, at Scarborough and Manchester in the North of England, and in London, a Conference of Honorary Secretaries and workers in South...
Category: Meetings
Photographs are very much part and parcel of THE LIFEBOAT of today - but in Victorian times matters were very different. Barry Cox, the RNLFs Honorary Librarian, on loan from the National Westminster Bank, looks back at the very early...
Category: Articles