For the past two years, Mrs Patricia Duncan has held hunter trials in her garden in aid of the RNLI. Her daughter and gardener made the jumps—last year they even achieved a water jump, as well as different shapes and styles through the woods...
Category: Articles
MR. JAMES PENTREATH, a shore helper at the Penlee life-boat station, was killed in an accident when the Penlee life-boat was being rehoused on the 30th Decem- ber, 1961. Mr. R. W. Blewett, another helper, was injured at the same...
Category: Articles
MRS. BOUTWOOD, honorary secretary of the Stanmore branch, has been holding gramophone evenings for young people, contributions for the entertainment being given to the Life- boat Service.
An unusual dance for those in their...
Category: Donations
1960 £ 197,541 334 42,558 17,618 65 PAYMENTS.
LIFE-BOATS:— New life-boats for the following stations: On account — Aith, Appledore, Boulmer, Broughty Ferry, Buckie, Howth, Lizard-Cadgwith, Longhope, Penlee, ...
Category: Accounts
THE seaboard of Cornwall can present two faces—the milder one—that usually seen by the summer visitor—is a pleasant one of sun-baked sands, regular lines of surf delightful for bathing, quaint houses and harbours, and granite rocks arranged...
Category: Articles
1,072 Lives Rescued by the Twenty James Stevens Life-boats.
IN 1894 the Institution received under the will of the late Mr. James Stevens, of Birmingham, a sum of £50,000, to be spent on the construction of twenty...
Category: Articles
SINCE the issue of the Parliamentary Report last July, which stated that the charges of mismanagement brought against the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTI- TUTION with regard to the Life-boat Saturday Fund were " entirely without...
Category: Articles
Late Port Errol Life-Boat Converted Into A Yacht. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
IN The, Lifeboat for last February an account was given of the help received from cinemas during the display of two films, " Down to the Sea in Ships " and " Women Who Give," which had Life-boat interest. These films were...
Category: Articles
The boats of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION and all belonging to them are kept in roomy and substantial boat-houses, under lock and key, in charge of paid coxswains, under the general superintendence of local honorary committees of...
Category: Articles