Coxswain Michael Scales, St Peter Port On October 11, 1983, Coxswain Scales rescued seven people aboard the yacht Wild Rocket in a force 8 west-north-westerly gale. He succeeded in manoeuvring the Arun class lifeboat Sir William Arnold close... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
At 2.44 in the afternoon life-boatmen on the promenade saw an aeroplane crash west-north-west of the coastguard station, about a mile off shore. The crash was also seen and...
JUNE 25TH. - RAMSGATE, KENT. At 3.50 in the afternoon the coastguard telephoned a report from the east pier watchman that, the ex-German yacht Pirol, which had left harbour for Portsmouth, manned by five R.A.F. men, had grounded on the Brake...
THE "Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce," com- monly known as the " Society of Arts," as most of our readers will be aware, offers from time to time its Gold Medal to be competed for by...
Category: Articles
Jersey's Grand Summer Ball on July 10 was held at Government House, Jersey, with the kind co-operation of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor General Sir Peter Whiteley and Lady Whiteley, president of the guild.
Category: Donations
Notes of the Quarter, by the editor 147 IlLiJ Beaufort Wind Scale 148 Lifeboat Services 149 XLIV Annual Awards 1975 153 456 A Weekend in September 154 Annual General Meeting and Presentation of Awards 156 Opening of new Headquarters at...
Category: Contents
St Peter Port Lifeboat, Spirit Of Guernsey. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
The CHAIRMAN : Your Royal Highness, my Lords, ladies and gentlemen, to-day is the hundredth birthday of our Life-boat Service.
That is the historic event which we have met here to celebrate.
It is, and...
Category: Meetings
On the morning of the 9th September the Coastguard reported that a steamer was ashore to the north of Filey. A fog prevailed at the time with a rough sea, and the Life-boat Hollon the Third was promptly launched. About two miles to...
Stornoway, Hebrides. At 9.30 on the night of the 8th of April, 1958, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a vessel was reported ashore near Goat Island. The coast- guard confirmed the report at 10.20, saying a trawler was...