At 10.10 in the morning a report was received from Scurdy Ness that two fishing boats which were at sea would find it dangerous to enter harbour. A northerly wind was blowing, with a heavy...
Royal meeting Guest of honour at this year's annual presentation of awards at the Royal Festival Hall will be Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent. The ceremony takes place at 3.00 on the afternoon of Tuesday May 12, 1987, when the...
Category: Articles
The leading article in Yachting & Boating for 2Oth April, 1967, had this to say: 'We . . . hear complaints that some of the rescued do not wish to be rescued. But like the surgeon, the life-boatman diagnoses and then operates ....<...
Category: Articles
Mrs Irene Craig, founder chairman of Lowestoft ladies' guild 21 years ago, with the lead crystal bowl presented to her by Lowestoft branch at her retirement. With her are Coxswain Peter Gibbons and Michael Chapman, honorary secretary.... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Silver medals for outstanding gallantry were presented to three Hfeboatmen at the annual presentation of awards on May 22: to (/.) Coxswain Kenneth Voice, Shoreham Harbour, for the service to the Greek cargo vessel Athina B on January 21,... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
BY the death on 20th November, at the of seventy-seven, of Admiral of the Fleet the Earl Jellicoe of Scapa, G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O., the Institution has lost one of its most distinguished vice-presidents. Lord Jellicoe became a member of the...
Category: Obituaries
THE manager of a large works in London has sent the Institution an account of the method which was adopted to carry out the annual life- boat appeal. The largest and strongest man in the works was chosen to make it. In one hand he had the...
Category: Donations
Mrs Richard Sounders (I.), chairman of the Central London Committee, and Mrs Robin Aisher, chairman of the ball committee, are two of the ladies responsible for the organisation of the Central London annual Lifeboat and Mermaid Ball. One of... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
The draw for a gallon bottle of brandy, donated by Martell, was made at Kirkcudbright station annual dance last November.
Here, Coxswain George Davidson, DSM BEM, (r) presents the bottle to the winner, local blacksmith... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Good will visit: Eastbourne lifeboat set out last December to make the annual delivery of Christmas presents from the local townspeople to the Trinity House men of the Royal Sovereign light tower. When they got out there (right) they found... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs