Totton and District branch is organising no less than 12 fund-raising events in 1980, and has distributed its programme to 8,000 homes in its area. The first event, a jumble sale in February, realised £313. The branch received donations...
Category: Donations
OXE of the notable Life-boat events of 1930 was the great increase in the amount contributed to the Institution by Scotland. In a year in which of the eight districts into which Great Britain and Ireland are divided for the purpose of the...
Category: Donations
Thursday, 8th October, 1914.
The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.
Read the minutes of the Building,...
Category: Committee
WE publish the following synopsis of the instructions given to the Royal Commission now inquiring into the condition of the Mercantile Marine of the United Kingdom, the same being given under Her Majesty's sign manual:— VICTORIA E. * * *...
Category: Articles
THURSDAY, 14th January, 1892.
Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.
The Secretary having reported the death of H...
Category: Committee
St. Albans Answers the Challenge.
IN the last issue of The Lifeboat we gave the Southport Branch's record of mayoral help. The Mayor, during his term of office, serves as a member of the Branch Committee, while the...
Category: Articles
Before the University Boat Race took place on the Thames on 1st April, 1972, Commander P. Thornycroft, V.R.D., R.N.R., M.R.I.N.A., of T.T. Boat Designers Ltd, Bembridge, I.o.W., wrote: 'We have been asked by the B.B.C. if a boat can be...
Category: Articles
Lowestoft, Suffolk, and Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk. — 15th February, 1938. A report that the s.s.Helen, of Saltvik, Finland, had wirelessed that she was in difficulties had been received and the Lowestoft lifeboat went out. She...
During a strong northerly gale which had brought up a rough sea on the 27th February the Chief Officer of Coast- guard reported that a coble was about three miles off Flamborough Head, and in considerable danger. The report was received at 4...
Lowestoft, Suffolk, and Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk. — 15th February, 1938. A report that the s.s.Helen, of Saltvik, Finland, had wirelessed that she was in difficulties had been received and the Lowestoft lifeboat went out. She...